October 28, 2015

Once, very long ago, we had Pax Romana, which lasted for a very long time. If you include the Eastern Byzantine Roman Empire, it lasted well over a thousand years. Then came Pax Britannica that lasted over a hundred years. It was followed by Pax Americana—it has lasted about a hundred years. But now that America has all but abdicated its role of global peace-keeper, the proverbial Pandora’s Box has been opened with a vengeance.

Up until recently, a system of global alliances, anchored by the authority and credibility of America, has helped keep the world from ripping apart. Not so today: Hardly any nation seriously believes America cares much about anyone other than itself any more. Result: Russia has stormed into Ukraine—and now Syria; America is retreating from Iraq and Afghanistan; and is permitting China to challenge it across the Pacific. The Middle East is in shambles and millions of displaced people are overrunning the nations of Europe. Europeans assumed national boundaries meant something—but when people are starving, nothing short of wholesale slaughter will stop them from their desperate search for a better life.

In history, democracies have rarely lasted longer than two centuries. Now many are wondering whether or not the same will hold true for America.

In economics, if global trust breaks down, nothing will be able to save the global economy.

If we ever needed God before, we certainly need Him now.

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. We always needed God,but Society in America has become materialistic and Godless. I fear for the future of my grand children. Thanks for the post.

  2. The only thing that is saving our world are the four Angels holding back the four winds of strife. When they let go all hell breaks loose. I agree with you that America only cares about itself, because it no longer stands for the moral values under which it was founded. No wonder why Daniel said: “in the days of these Kings will the God of Heaven set up a Kindom that will never be destroyed.” That hour is near, and that will be the solution for all ills that confront mankind.

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