About Joe Wheeler

Joe Wheeler has been labeled many things: as Father Christmas because of his editing/compiling America’s longest-running Christmas of story series — Christmas in My Heart (now in its 18th season); as one of America’s leading story anthologists (56 story collections by twelve publishing houses); as the world’s foremost authority on life and times of the frontier writer Zane Grey (he is co-founder and executive director of the international Zane Grey’s West Society); as a biographer, having written full-length biographies of Abraham Lincoln and St. Nicholas and shorter biographies of Louisa May Alcott, Abbie Farwell Brown, Daniel Defoe, Charles Dickens, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Gene Stratton Porter, Grace Richmond, Henryk Sienkiewicz, and Lew Wallace; and as a Renaissance Man because of his encyclopedic interest in everything (popular culture as well as the academic); and his master’s degree in the teaching of History, his master’s degree in English (thesis on Utopian and Dystopian literature), and his Vanderbilt doctorate in English (History of Ideas emphasis).

Because of all these variables, and stirring in his 71 books (and counting), this blog series promises to be unlike any other — and that’s why he titles the series, “UNCHARTED WATERS.”
Published on August 31, 2009 at 1:36 pm  Comments (10)  

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10 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Hey, Dr. Joe–

    Love your “Christmas In My Heart” series.

    Question: Who is Jesus to you? Thanks.

    – Jon Gauger

  2. Just barely missed you at saa in apr
    for years I’ve tried in vain to find “if at 1st you don’t sucres – try again” apparenthly two versions a short @ 3 stanzas and a longer one which the books disapper from libraries I’ve tried county arc csus & state lib. Any help greatly appreciated
    I loved the trip to Alaska but r was bored we went with vop
    lots of water under the bridge since you left sacto

  3. Dear Marcella,

    So good to hear from you after all these years!

    I’m not sure either as to what fuller text you’re talking about re the success poem–I just know the basic quotation itself. Do you know who the author was?

    The SAGE group kept us very busy–but it was still fun.

    Yes, a lot of water has indeed passed under our bridges since those days.

    Blessings to all!


  4. Joe:

    Loved your piece about your body falling down. That’s more serious than “your pants are falling down”, but at least it didn’t happen on national TV. If you are going to fall down the stairs, I can’t think of a better place than Annapolis.

    Mary Sue and I will see you after Thanksgiving at your book signing at Homestead Gardens.

    Good to see your new CIMH…that’s #19, isn’t it?

    See you soon. Have a good Thanksgiving.



  5. Requesting permission to use some of your article about the Battle Of The Capes and The Siege Of Yorktown, properly credited on my website. Please review the entry and let me know if it is okay?

  6. Still inspired by you 25 years later….

    • Dear Melanie, So good to hear from you after all these years! Appreciate so much your kind words. So what’s been happening with your life since then?

  7. Hello, I hear your stories read on Strong Tower Radio. They are a real Christmas gift. Thank You.
    I want to start a blog. Do bloggers normally copyright their writing? Also, can you recommend any thing like Ad Sense to earn money from it?
    The snow on your blog is very “cool”!

  8. Hello Mr. Wheeler
    Several years ago we connected regarding a book my grandfather, Capt. Sid Boerstler,had started to write about the nine years that he worked for Zane Grey. I was trying to finish it with his journals, ships logs and photos and the rough draft he had completed. I now have completed my rough draft and would like to collaborate with someone on finishing it for publishing.
    He has some very interesting stories and tons of photos that he took while working and traveling with ZG. This is a project dear to my heart and I would appreciate any advise and interest you would take in assisting me in any way you feel you can. If you are interested, I can send you the table of contents to give you an idea of what I have put together.
    Thank you for your consideration.
    Julie Woodrum

    • Dear Ms. Woodrum,
      Good to hear back from you.
      As for the book you are working on, perhaps you could share with me some of your plans and objectives:
      1. Do you have a proposed publisher or do you plan to self-publish — more and more popular these days!
      2. You mention your interest in securing the services of a collaborator. The standard fee from professionals for that sort of thing comes to ten to twenty thousand, depending on the length and complexity of the proposed book.
      In my case, since I’m a full-time author (90 books so far), I’d need to re-shuffle my other deadlines to work in such a project as yours. But there would be this major advantage to you: I am already the world’s foremost authority on the life and times of Zane Grey.
      So please advise.
      Email: mountainauthor@gmail.com

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